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Legacy Global (Nigeria) Limited The firm provides business consulting services in Nigeria.
Federal Government of Nigeria The official website of the Federal Government of Nigeria.
Newspapers from around the World Link to varied newspapers provided by Newspapers.com.
Nnewi Union Atlanta Inc. Nnewi Union Atlanta Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization promoting issues that enhance the unity of humanity.

Free Legal Advice A leading legal site for consumers and small businesses. It provides general legal information to help people understand their legal rights in 125+ legal topics, but is not a substitute for personal legal advice from an attorney. You are welcome to view FreeAdvice for your own personal, non-commercial purposes, AS IS, subject to disclaimer and conditions of use.
Nigeria Law The centre provides a guide and resource for persons all over the world who are interested in the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
U.S. Library of Congress Country Study: Nigeria Introduction to Nigerian history, society, culture, economy, government, and more.
Green Card Plus Immigration Services Immigration assistance to the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the UK; Green Card applications; Visas and Citizenship information, immigration forms and a wide range of immigration services.
The Law Firm of Antonia Okonkwo The Law Firm of Antonia Okonkwo specializes in Immigration and Naturalization Law, and Bankruptcy Law. The firm also provides legal representation in the State of Tennessee.


Website dedicated to memory of the late Chief Onuzulike Okonkwo, Ozuome-Nnewi.